Fertility Network
Website Physician has recently added the Fertility Network as a partner to provide their medical practice clients with unmatched services that Website Physician can provide. These services include medical website development using a content management system as well as medical practice search engine optimization (SEO) assistance on their current site including website analytics and an ongoing plan to improve their current SEO. Website Physician also offers website maintenance plans, content management system training, creation of medical website forms, medical website hosting as well as the creation of mobile friendly websites for medical practices.
The Fertility Network currently connects patients to IVF Clinics, Infertility Specialists, Egg Donation Agencies, and other services to help them find common infertility treatment, such as IVF, egg donation, egg freezing, ICSI, PDG, artificial insemination and more.
The Fertility Network customers who are seeking IVF treatment, general infertility treatment, or more specialized care, use the resources within the website to find the appropriate infertility service. The Fertility Network is a customer service, not a listing service, working in a closed-network of IVF Clinics in over 100 locations.
Additionally, for those interested in donating eggs, we provide a central location to let fertility centers and egg donation agencies know of your interest to donate eggs.
If your infertility practice needs additional services such as medical website development, search engine optimization, medical website hosting or one of the other services listed above, please contact us at 513-759-4932 or simply fill out our online form for a free quote.